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Re: LDD to LDRAW Conversion Fixes
Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:23:44 GMT
24433 times
One more tip - if you want to check all your XML is marked up correctly and you
haven't made any mistakes, just double-click the file.  It'll open in Internet
Explorer (unless your name's Christopher and you have a MAC... ;-).

You should see a neatly organised colour-coded list, where you can click on each
of the tags to expand it and see what's inside.

If there's an error in the tag structuring, you'll get an error message telling
you where it thinks the problem is.  (Though you'll often find the root cause of
a problem is a typo on the line above or back at the start of a group of tags).

Jason R

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDD to LDRAW Conversion Fixes
Apologies to anyone who didn't follow this post. It always bugs me when people post technical stuff with no explanation, and just expect everyone to 'get it'. In this case, a lot of people aren't going to be familiar with XML files, so here's a (...) (18 years ago, 29-Jun-06, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

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