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Re: LeoCAM alpha release
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 00:23:12 GMT
670 times
In lugnet.cad, Leonardo Zide writes:
In lugnet.cad, Tim Courtney writes:

This is pretty amazing.  Once you get the hang of it, you can add parts to a
model so quickly.  Also, once two parts are "connected," moving or rotating
one part moves both parts together, like a submodel.

Looks pretty good, I haven't had much time to try it (at work now) so I
didn't understand very well how to connect 2 bricks but somehow I was able
to connect them and it looked nice.

This is cool! I'd love to see this develop further. Leo - if you're reading,
are you coming to BricksWest?? I'd love to sit down face to face again and
discuss the future of LeoCAD.

When/where is it going to be?

Now if I could just figure out the LeoCAD GUI better...

What's confusing about it? I'd like to hear what other people think and
fix the problems.


Two comments:

1. One of my fellow BayLUG members is a *very* pro-Linux.
   Much to my suprise he wound up using MLCAD to do his
   MOC instruction manuals.  When I asked him "why?",
   his response has that LeoCAD could not read and write
   files that interoperated with MLCAD.  My gut reaction
   to this statement, is that it should be almost trivial
   to get LeoCAD to read MLCAD generated files and write
   files that MLCAD can subsequently read.

2. I never found the LeoCAD GUI to be particularly hard, but
   I did notice that I never wanted to move bricks around
   with the mouse; instead, I always used the keyboard because
   I couldn't precisely position anything any other way.  It
   may be sufficient to add a mode to LeoCAD to allow people
   to use LDraw/MLCAD keyboard bindings.

My $.02,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LeoCAM alpha release
(...) What do you mean by that? LeoCAD has been able to read/write .dat files for years. (...) I use the keyboard exclusively too but I never thought that following the LEdit keys was so important to other people. I'll work on that. Leonardo (21 years ago, 14-Dec-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LeoCAM alpha release
(...) Looks pretty good, I haven't had much time to try it (at work now) so I didn't understand very well how to connect 2 bricks but somehow I was able to connect them and it looked nice. (...) When/where is it going to be? (...) What's confusing (...) (21 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.cad)

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