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Re: LeoCAM alpha release
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:19:28 GMT
473 times
In lugnet.cad, Gustavo Patow writes:
Hi all:


Hoping that our project will bring even more joy to the LDraw comunity, I
remain yours truly

Gustavo Patow.-
PS: Please, remember that this is only an "alpha" version...

This is pretty amazing.  Once you get the hang of it, you can add parts to a
model so quickly.  Also, once two parts are "connected," moving or rotating
one part moves both parts together, like a submodel.

Now if I could just figure out the LeoCAD GUI better...

-John Van

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LeoCAM alpha release
(...) This is cool! I'd love to see this develop further. Leo - if you're reading, are you coming to BricksWest?? I'd love to sit down face to face again and discuss the future of LeoCAD. (...) This is still the main reason I don't use LeoCAD as an (...) (21 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  LeoCAM alpha release
Hi all: I'm very glad to announce the first alpha release of LeoCAM, a CAD derived from LeoCAD that incorporates mechanical features in it. This project is being developped by Francisco Gonzalez Garcia as his undergraduate final project at the (...) (21 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.cad)

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