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Re: Lego parts for PovRay
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:33:12 GMT
1898 times
GeoMan wrote...
Anton Raves ( updated his excellent PovRay LEGO
library with many new parts and samples. Also he added a reference library
with pictures of all of his parts (you will need Stuffit to unzip it).

Anyone interested to render LEGO models who is missing some parts should
take a look! I have used many parts of his library that were missing from
Ldraw to render my models...

Wouldn't it be nice if L3P after LGeo also supported his library ? :-)

I've always admired Anton Raves' renderings, he is very good at setting
the light and other POV parameters. And his parts looks great, he has done
many difficult parts like propellers.

In december 2000 I asked Anton Raves whether he had considered to make
a conversion table, but it seems he is a Mac-freak :-)
He knows LDraw, MLCad, L3P etc. but as there are no Mac versions,
he hasn't gotten into them.
Perhaps Erik Olson's efforts on BrickDraw3D can be an opening.

Anton's parts are defined smaller and use different coordinates so to use
them you have to scale them x2.5 (scale 2.5), rotate (rotate <180,-90,0>)
and translate them to correct position.
Also you have to include his libraries:
#include "material.lib"
#include "library.lib"

I used to do it by hand editing the .pov file but it's time consuming!
L3P on the other hand could do it automatically! :-)

Yes, if you (or someone else, maybe many) would care to sit down and
make some sort of a conversion table for all Anton's parts, I would be happy
to include support in L3P.

For each of Anton's parts you would need to define
the corresponding DAT filename and the scale/rotate/translate (matrix)
necessary to orient it like the DAT part

Other things must be sorted out:
DAT colors to Anton's color names
handling of slopes
and of course permission from the man :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego parts for PovRay
(...) I would like to connect my program to POV-RAY. Since BrickDraw3D aims at being best at interactive modeling, adapting it to work alongside POVRAY would make a natural division of labor. Two ways to do this. 1. Finish the POVRAY plugin for the (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego parts for PovRay
Anton Raves ((URL) updated his excellent PovRay LEGO library with many new parts and samples. Also he added a reference library with pictures of all of his parts (you will need Stuffit to unzip it). Anyone interested to render LEGO models who is (...) (23 years ago, 18-Feb-01, to lugnet.cad)  

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