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Re: Assembled parts, ~ and categories
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:16:51 GMT
9746 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Philippe Hurbain wrote:
It is common practice to prefix parts that compose assembled parts with a ~.
This prevent using them needlessly (they are not listed with regular parts),
encouraging the use of assembled shortcuts.

But this practice is not ratified by any official LDraw document. As a LDraw
Standards Committee member, I'd like to precise this usage. This is a request
for comments...

There is one document that introduced this.

I found we have different problems to solve:
1) Usage of the tilde '~' for files in the \s folder.
2) Usage of the tilde '~' for files in the \parts folder
3) Is the tilde '~' part of the description or only a flag.

I think as follow:
1) As nearly all files in the \s folder do have a leading '~' we should force
that for files in the s\ folder.

2a) I don't feel that we should make things that complicated.
If we have a shortcut for the complete part (as we have today). It is no problem
to figure out which parts to bring into a new file to get what we want.
The other way would blow up the library.
Just if you are working with MLCad it is not a problem to generate what you

2b) To work with LSynth is really make sense to have the ends visible to find
that. Although also here a global shortcut will have all the user needs. And
again it is easy to identify what you need with MLCad.
But we should be consistent in using or not using the '~' for such parts.

3) As the '~' is used as a flag we should also handle it as that, so if there is
a partfile in the \parts folder that carry the '~' in front of the
partdescription the partdescription is assumed to be without the '~' and so the
first word has to be in the category list or a category has to be mentioned (See
This has also to be decided for the "_" flag for colored parts!


I read the above article and is OK, but many parts do not follow these
for example part 71427C01.DAT distributed as official is named as assembly but
contains the whole part definition inside with no references to any subparts but
parts\P parts.

In my personal opinion, from a programmer point of view, it could be a good
practice to correctly code as assembly at least those parts that allow
reciprocal movement in between them.
For example a switch has a lever that moves while the base is static; a motor
has an axle that rotate while the rest of the model is static.

Other assembly should be multicolored parts (with the exclusion of patterned
parts), since sometime these color can change.

One more question: what does the suffixes "Dxx" and "Txx" stand for?



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Assembled parts, ~ and categories
(...) The part you mentioned is certified a long time ago and rules changes over the time. So you will find surely old part in the library that are not according our current rules. Also the ...Cxx only advices that the real part is assembled by some (...) (14 years ago, 18-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Assembled parts, ~ and categories
(...) Please understand that the LDraw Parts Library is over 12 years old and standards evolve over time. Things that were done in 1999, when 71427c01.dat was created, wouldn't necessarily be done the same way now. *dNN.dat files are parts with (...) (14 years ago, 18-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Assembled parts, ~ and categories
(...) There is one document that introduced this. (URL) found we have different problems to solve: 1) Usage of the tilde '~' for files in the \s folder. 2) Usage of the tilde '~' for files in the \parts folder 3) Is the tilde '~' part of the (...) (15 years ago, 3-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

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