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*** LSynth 3.1 Released ***
lugnet.cad, lugnet.announce,
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:11:05 GMT
!! (details)
31429 times
Hi folks,

Don Heyse, has asked me to announce the release of LSynth 3.1 which is now
available for download from:

though he has done all the coding for this update. My role was nothing more than
whining when things didn't work as I expected them during beta test. So all
cheers go to Don while I'm more than honored to announce the release.

3.1 contains some bugfixes as well as new sysntesis like BRICK_ARC,
FIBER_OPTICS_CABLE_WIDE or STRING_xxL. The new version also checks if the
LSynth.mpd file containing the definitions matches the version of the program.
Furthermore from now on the MLCad.ini file tells you if you're using a version
of the file suitable for LSynth.

Setup instructions and tutorial can be found at:

Examples for download are stored here:

Check out also the troubleshooting page even though everything runs fine:

Big thanks also to Kevin Clague, the creator of LSynth, who gave us free hands
on this release! This update would never have happend if Kevin had'nt had the
idea for LSynth in the first place and eased things tremendously with version
3.0 exporting the synthesis definitons to the LSynth.mpd file!



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: *** LSynth 3.1 Released ***
(...) FYI, I have taken the liberty of compiling a Mac OS X version of LSynth 3.1, which I have made available along with the lsynth.mpd file and constraint parts: (URL) have not tested it much but it seems to work fine with the few examples I have (...) (15 years ago, 21-Nov-09, to,
  Re: *** LSynth 3.1 Released ***
(...) default was "(Default)", instead of LSynth or something similar. I'm not sure if it matters, but this was in Windows 7. --Travis (15 years ago, 23-Nov-09, to

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