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Minor Bitsticker update
Wed, 7 Mar 2007 03:17:30 GMT
2194 times
In lugnet.announce, Jim DeVona wrote:

   I’d like to announce the availability of a little script I wrote that converts small bitmap images (JPG, PNG, GIF) to “stickers” that you can use in your LDraw models. The script is called Bitsticker and there’s nothing to download: just visit and upload your image!

I realized that Bitsticker would generate really long output filenames resembling the path to the original image when used with browsers like Internet Explorer 6. I’ve fixed it so that the output filename should be derived only from the filename of the uploaded image.

I’ve also noticed that Stuffit Expander doesn’t seem to like Bitsticker’s zip files (made with Archive::Zip). I would advise any Mac users with Stuffit Expander to try unzipping the stickers with a different program, such as Mac OS X’s built-in default unzipper. The files work fine with WinZip.

Since making txt2dat online, I’ve postponed the Bitsticker rewrite I alluded to elsewhere in order to consider a similar design comprised of a separate core program that can be downloaded to use without a web page interface. It’s not a high priority project.

Be well,


Message is in Reply To:
  Announcing Bitsticker
I'd like to announce the availability of a little script I wrote that converts small bitmap images (JPG, PNG, GIF) to "stickers" that you can use in your LDraw models. The script is called Bitsticker and there's nothing to download: just visit (URL) (...) (17 years ago, 1-Mar-07, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, FTX) !! 

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