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Re: Announcing Bitsticker (and other txt/bit-to-dat utilities)
Fri, 2 Mar 2007 02:48:10 GMT
2640 times
In lugnet.cad, Ross Crawford wrote:

   In lugnet.cad, Travis Cobbs wrote:

   You might want to add the following two lines to the tops of your generated files:
Adding the above two lines will enable BFC processing. The first line is needed because most models don’t contain a 0 BFC CERTIFY line in them.

Thanks for pointing this out, I just realised txt2dat does not include any header at all. I’d better fix that :)


Hey, txt2dat is cool! It looks like it should build on the Mac, too, so I’m puttering with rewriting the Makefile to make that happen. (The triangle library builds fine with the -DLINUX switch turned off.) It’s part of my new crusade to get every LDraw program on earth ported to the Mac. Any other LDraw utility authors - watch out! You’re next. ;-)

More seriously, as I was just searching through the Lugnet archives for further incriminating evidence that I’ve sort of been reinventing the wheel with Bitsticker, I came upon this thread by Tim Gould from 2005: Automatic sticker creation. That is clearly a more practical implementation of an image-to-LDraw converter! Has that been released? More to the point, I’m simply curious about how the vectorization is achieved. This comment in particular is right on:

   The advantage this has over BMP2DAT (from what I can gather, haven’t really used it) is that my program finds the lines and then triangulates the resulting polygon rather than turning pixels into quads (correct me if this is not what BMP2DAT does).

Does it use a library like potrace or did you write your own vectorization code? (I’ve done a lot of work with remote sensing and GIS so vectorization is just a fascinating topic to me.) Hopefully I have just overlooked some more recent announcement pertaining to this project.



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Announcing Bitsticker (and other txt/bit-to-dat utilities)
(...) Hey, that'd be great! The makefile is a bit of a rat's nest, because I borrowed it from the freetype library, and modified it. The main reason I did that was for cross-platform compatability, but I've never had a Mac to try on. If you can get (...) (17 years ago, 2-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
  Re: Announcing Bitsticker (and other txt/bit-to-dat utilities)
--snip-- (...) Unfortunately I got too busy with other things and kind of let is slide. With a rewrite in a compiled language and using a decent triangulation (such as the one Ross uses) and vectorisation algorithm I suspect it could be made to work (...) (17 years ago, 19-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing Bitsticker
(...) Thanks for pointing this out, I just realised (URL) txt2dat> does not include any header at all. I'd better fix that :) ROSCO (17 years ago, 2-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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