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...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 04:02:11 GMT
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3744 times
RE: Captian Fazoom
To: Space.

As PCS forces deal with the danger of the Eastern Block, other devious leaders have risen. Dr. Terrible, an evil clone of our missing Grand Admiral, a mutant Shpleem, and Dr. Cranium have infested the goodness of space with their 3vil...

This shall not stand. PCS in conjuntion with space colonial governments have formed a new elite law enforcement team. The Star Rangers. Like the Marshals of the Old West, they carry JUSTICE into the wilds of space.

Introducing Captain Fazoom,

our bravest, most decorated (and most reprimanded), Star Ranger. He and his trusty robot Sterling travel in their PCS crafted ship the Galactic Peace Maker SP-X1. Also named the FAZOOM-O-CRAFT.

3vil doers are held in Containment Unit Evil (CUE) for transport back to the Intergalactic Slammer.

Expect to hear of the exploits of Captain Fazoom coming soon!!

Please see all the pics after moderation here:

The SP-X1 is is a Pre Classic version of my favorite space lego ship:

    6886 Galactic Peace Keeper
115 elements, 2 figures, US$12, 1989
LEGO > SYSTEM > Space > Space Police I

Please let me know what you think!!

Admiral Giddens <><

Message has 13 Replies:
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) I think you're a pansy. Muahahahahahaha!!! Your Lord and Master, 3GA (URL) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Bah, this is undoubtly more PCS propaganda to rule the universe with fear... Oh and you're a pansy... -Jason P.S. Very awesome. When did you sign that comic book deal? Are there movie rights? (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Awesome ship! We'll show all those 3vil forces! And the just normally evil ones too! Captain Forbes (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Goodness is for freshly baked donuts, which is all Fazoom ever brought. (URL) Dr. Cranium "Squash that jelly donut!" (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Regardless of what the forces of 3vil think, this is really quite the remarkable space conveyance. The forces of good never looked so stylish! Adrian (URL) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Why is the assumption always made that communism=evil? Sounds like capitalist propaganda to me. Regardless of the dubious political/military agenda PCS seems to be taking, they've chosen an excellent craft to do it in. ('s about time they got (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom (and PCS question)
(...) Whoa. I love the character--even if the ship wasn't great (which it is), the character would earn you a high B+. I love the entry hatch/ramp on the ship! I see lots of little tricks I have yet to learn! By the way, does anyone know of PCS (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) I was wondering if anyone was going to do prequel versions of any other space themes, but I guess you answered that question. The original Space Police is, in my opinion, one of the best themes ever and Galactic Peace Keeper is one of my (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) Well, I couldn't see the ship for a few days, due to the shiny glare of Capt Fazoom's glasses and Colgate Teeth. Spreading light and minty freshness across the galaxy. I love the classic sci-fi look of this ship. I expect to see it on a black (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) P - O - L - I - C - E 3vil doesn't know when'll they see P - O - L - I - C - E It's okay if they grin corny... [snip] (...) Styling, elegant, and powerful...Just makes you want to go zoom. (...) That is an interesting take on that good ol' (I (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
Chris, this ship is fantastic! The comic/camp is perfect. I really like the wrap-around effect of the cockpit. Although, even if it is difficult with airtanks, I still think the Captain needs a better chair. But I guess bringing Justice requires (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
(...) (shnippy) (...) A whole big bag o' retro goodness! Best of all, it looks like an absolute blast to play with right-outta-the-box, locking up the nairdowells. 'FAZOOM...Na Naaaa!! Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun' In justice, -G PS. That antenna upfront (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)
  Re: ...Fazoom brings you JUSTICE!
In lugnet.announce.moc, Chris Giddens wrote:\ (...) Absolutely stunning work. Even if you did shorten the fins. That's a joke. I know I mentioned that your work is starting to look like what Miami Beach would look like if it were a spaceship, and (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, FTX)

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