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Poll for new Town Sets
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 20:03:19 GMT
15457 times
Dear Ambassadors,

It has been some time since there has been any kind of voting poll for new sets.
Now that the new 2008 sets have come out, it would be a good time to start
thinking of sets that people would like to see in the future.

I think that the LEGO Coummunity has a good feel for what would do well, and
they probably have some new ideas that have not been considered.

With the recent announcement of Tormod being appointed as Head of Coummunity
Development, do you think that gathering ideas for possible Town Sets for 2009
is a good idea?

Many Thanks,

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) Given that City is one of TLG's most popular lines (especially for 2007), and seeing some of the new 2008 City product is not Police/Fire/Rescue, I'm all for gathering ideas for new town sets for 2009. I definitely think it's time to bring (...) (16 years ago, 22-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) Yes, and I have some suggestions. If you actually built a LEGO town using only the sets released in the last few years, you would have to wonder why the town is in so much constant danger that it requires so many police stations, fire houses, (...) (16 years ago, 23-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)  
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) fixed at this time. If not, how about a gun store, reference the discussion on weapons. Or a liquor store or maybe a large movie theater. A drive in. or a very large bridge. You might want to look at all the old store displays. The directions (...) (16 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)

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