In lugnet.loc.us.mi.grr, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> ... Big problem I see is the
> change in direction challenge. Assuming you're using the ZNAP parts in the
> vertical direction, building a tower with panel pieces on more than one side
> will be tough as there is no way to turn the corner neatly. Even the ugly
> purple thing doesn't help you much. You will need to start saving up your
> "bricks with technic pegs embedded" pieces as you'll be using a lot of them.
How about the yellow and black "swivel connector"? It's a yellow 1-beam, with
knobs at each end, and two black rings wrapped around the middle, with a knob
on each ring. The rings can rotate independently, positioning the two knobs
anywhere around the axis of the yellow beam. The only limit is the black
knobs must have an angle of separation at least 90-degrees.
These would easily make a corner in a rectilinear (sp?) lattice. This this:
|/ The vertical lines are the yellow knobs, the angled and horizontal
O- lines are black knobs, assume the standard 3D projection.
I've got a couple of these, they were in (I think) <set:3532>.
They'd be useful for octagonal buildings, too. :)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: ZNAP at GR TRU!
| (...) Not yet, just test assemblies. Too much stuff in my basement to work on anythihg serious. (...) I don't know for sure. Preliminary tests are good. Big problem I see is the change in direction challenge. Assuming you're using the ZNAP parts in (...) (25 years ago, 15-May-00, to lugnet.loc.us.mi.grr, lugnet.znap)
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