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 Trains / Train Organizations / SCLTC / 218
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Re: More pictures!
Thu, 6 May 2004 15:48:52 GMT
3025 times
In, Ted Michon wrote:
   LEGO train club builders don’t spend a lot of time or pieces on actual trains. They instead spend their time and effort on the scenery around the

John, James, and Larry-

I took Jordan’s message to mean “LEGO train club builder’s don’t have to spend a lot of time or pieces on actual trains”. His message clearly goes on to say that as a non-train guy we’ve got him thinking that an LTC might be a good home for him. And Jordan was right on the absolute scale about the quantity of pieces -- I doubt there is an LTC anywhere that does a show with more pieces in the trains than in the scenery. We can easily put 15,000 pieces in one building but I think any club would be challenged to get 15,000 pieces on the tracks!

Perhaps. But to me it’s not about absolute number of pieces, it’s about build time per model. A good train model can take a lot of time. (Time does NOT equal pieces). My mountain has 25x as many pieces as my combine model but took me a lot less time to build, and even then much of the mountain build was rote rather than really creative stuff.

That said I agree with what I cut away from your post.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More pictures!
(...) John, James, and Larry- I took Jordan's message to mean "LEGO train club builder's don't have to spend a lot of time or pieces on actual trains". His message clearly goes on to say that as a non-train guy we've got him thinking that an LTC (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to, FTX)

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