Re: New Idea for Rail Ties
|, lugnet.trains
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 03:13:19 GMT
46 times
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Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
> > Check this out:
> >
> > I have come up with an idea to heighten the realism of the LEGO 9 volt
> > track.
> >
> > First, I laid down a 10 wide row of black plates. Then I laid down the
> > track. I next filled in the gaps in the track with dark gray 2x4 plates
> > on the inside, and 1x2s on the outside. Then I laid down the brown 1x4
> > tiles. Ideally, the outside 1x2 tiles would be replaced with 1x1 brown
> > tiles-- however, these do not currently exist AFAIK.
> >
> > Of course, curves will be a little trickier, but I thought I'd toss this
> > out first to see what folk think. If a lot thought the idea had merit,
> > I'd go and figure out the curves and perhaps we could give a unified cry
> > to LD for bulk dark gray 1x2, 2x4 plates; and 1x1, 1x4 brown tiles. We
> > would need *a lot* of them:-)
> Kind of pretty. I see a few minor problems, though:
> - the underlayment of black doesn't go out far enough
> - track ties are never brown. (LGB got it wrong) They start out black and fade
> to a weathered grey over the years as the creosote leaches out. So the dark
> grey we are using now is actually the right color
> - The ties you've come up with are a bit too high, the rails look like they
> are sunk in
> - the biggie: cost. I suspect this would cost hugely.
> It would be nice if TLC got the tie (sleeper for you UK and european types)
> width and spacing "right". Which begs the question, what is right? This
> problem comes up in G. The right tie spacing if you assume the track is meter
> gauge (implying a 1:22.5 scale like LGB) is wrong if you assume the track is
> standard gauge (implying more like a 1:32 scale ala the Aristocraft trains).
> So a tie spacing that made 6 wide guys happy would possibly be too close
> together for the 8 widers and vice versa.
> It's a toy so I guess I can live with the current tie spacing. Put it this
> way, if TLC fixed either the track geometry or the tie spacing, which would
> you pick? I'd go for track geometry, the current switch/point/turnout geometry
> is SO BAD it's not funny. Fixing both would be better of course
Just curious, what exactly do you think the problem is with the geometry of the
points. Before you respond I'll say what I think it wrong, and what I think most
people are complaining about.
I think the problem is that the geometry is limited to a simple siding; there
are no switches that smoothly transition to a curve. Also, the curvature of the
turnout is a bit severe. I would like to see a point that transitions directly
to a curve, but how prototypical is that kind of setup? A Y shaped point would
be nice too. Regarding the curvature of the track, I have mixed feelings about
making the curvature of the switch less severe since the points would have to
occupy more space if the curvature was made less severe.
I think that a lot of people have issues with the spacing between the parallel
tracks that exit the point. It seems like some people would like the tracks
closer together like the 4.5 and 12v track. Even though I am risking some
flamage, I say that the 4.5/12v spacing is the one that is wrong. There should
be space in between the tracks. The lines (or should I say roads?) that run
through here do not touch each other, and even in yards the ties do not touch
each other.
Anyway, I guess I just feel a need to put a finer point on the geometry issue.
If I missed a big discussion about it, then I am sorry for bringing it up again.
Oh yeah, if I had to make a choice, I would rather see a larger radius curve
than flex track. Flex track is cool, but there is a lot to be said for the
simplicity of the click together style of the LEGO track.
> But if your idea leads to TLC making lots of brown tile available at a good
> price, that would suit me just fine.
> ++Lar
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: New Idea for Rail Ties
| (...) Kind of pretty. I see a few minor problems, though: - the underlayment of black doesn't go out far enough - track ties are never brown. (LGB got it wrong) They start out black and fade to a weathered grey over the years as the creosote leaches (...) (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to, lugnet.trains)
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