> I would be happy either way. Or both. The problem that I think we have with
> flex (as I was telling Tony Priestman when we were at Huw's house) is what to
> do about the ends. TLC track has a split end, in which the cross section
> changes as you get close to the end, rather than the more common rail joiner
> that slips under a rail of fixed cross section. Thus you can't just trim one
> end to the right length unless you have a way to remake the split end. That
> makes flex track hard unless you have two joining systems available, also kind
> of a kludge.
> Good topic, though
How to do this:(my thoughts)
Have .5 M or 20 inch lengths (enough to cover 2 32x plates). Use a 1" or 2"
fixed end at both ends, with a sliding fit into or over the flexable pieces.
This would let you have (if you used 2" lenghts, 3" travel in and out on both
rails...) I think enough to make a more sweeping curve. Of course, one is
still stuck with the 2" connecting straights (4" straight every 40"
travel...1/10th of the travel) You'd also need something like the LGB
expandable track segment too...to fill in when you had odd lengths matching,
that or 1/8, 1/4/,1/2 straights too.
I'd love to see a track geometry based on the LGB system, or Peco
Settrack...although, I think for complexity purposes, I'd rather see a much
wider fixed radius curve than flex track at present.
My list would go:
1. Larger radius curve, about 2x current.
2. Different style of point geometry
3. 1/8-1/2 straight box with 8 pieces (makes 2 full straights)
4. Y points
5. Electrical control track (Signal, like the 12V one)
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: New Idea for Rail Ties
| (...) I agree with this wish list ans would like to add some more specific points : 1) whole english point (this is a point where you can go any way,straight through or deviate to an other track, used in real live in stations) for example see : (...) (24 years ago, 24-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains.org, lugnet.trains)
|  | | Re: New Idea for Rail Ties
| (...) My first preference would be 16 studs larger radius (which could then be set "parallel" to the smaller radius using the current turnout geometry). If they give us the 4.5V/12V turnout geometry, then we also want track with an 8 stud larger (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains.org, lugnet.trains)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: New Idea for Rail Ties
| (...) Prolly. <tie spacing> American practice is to have a rather weird spacing that varies from one tie to the next and which is spaced so that the average distance apart is such that it does not match anyone's stride walking or running. This is (...) (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains.org, lugnet.trains)
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