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Re: 9v train idea book: I might be making one, anyone interested?
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 21:55:18 GMT
1857 times

I, too, have had an idea such as this, although I have put it on the back
burner with regards to my other projects.  I do have a few suggestions:

#1 - back off on the regulations.  Just because DAT files are not available
doesn't mean a model isn't worthy of being included in the idea book.

#2 - using parts not released yet doesn't really make sense to me, but if
somebody uses them, who cares.  By the time we get the book, the parts will
either be out or coming out soon.

#3 - using older parts gives many of us with said parts good ideas for using
them.  I use the old space lasers, which are not made anymore, for window
shades.  How is that idea not going to qualify for inclusion in your book?
Do we update the models over time to remove offending pieces?

#4 - If john doe Lego has a great idea for using a microscout that nobody
thought of before, it is not to be included because why?  You couldn't
realize the potential?  Let the cybermaster, scout, microscout, code pilot
thingy and anything else Lego has be in it.  If it isn't useful, that will
cause the offending parts to not be used.

#5 - make it like the internet:  free for the contributor to decide the best
way to present his/her creation.

#6 - town buildings are part of trains.  Train stations, freight harbors,
etc., are just as important to a good looking layout as rolling stock.

Just my opinions.  Perhaps I will resume my book idea in the future, but for
now, I have been focusing on my own layout.  I would hate to make a nice
book and have nothing to contribute.  :-)


Jonathan Wilson <> wrote in message
I am thinking of starting a 9v trains idea book made with ldrawn
instructions and mabie some pictures of some of the large stuff such as
the layouts of the train clubs (with permission, of course) Is there
anyone interested? It will be done very similar to the TLG idea books
(but without the lego logo etc of course). I am going to need
submissions from the train community in the form of instructions, large
view pictures of layouts etc and small pictures of individual rolling
stock. All instructions will be shown in a cad type view not a rendered
view (there will not be any renderings in the book at all, only cad
instructions and real photos) The book will be made available in a from
sutable for printing, with an archive of all the dat files posted to the
site with it (in case you want to look at something that is not 100%
clear from the instructions). As well as content I am also going to need
someone to handle the extra graphics needed (such as arrows, numbers
etc, I want to make the instructions look similar to TLG instructions).
For the title page I am looking for one photo that sums up the lego
train community. If there is any one layout that could be called the
defining layout then that would be ideal. I should also add that there
will be a section with track layouts, possibly made in ldraw, possibly
made in track designer or whatever, this will be decided later)

Some rules: must submit instructions in the form of dat files. instructions in
any other form are not going to be accpted, inclidung instructions
generated from dat files. All dat files must have appropriate step
commands in the dat file(s). all submodels will have seperate
instructions (e.g. a bogie submodel). All minifigs and hoses etc need to
be put into a seperate file, as do all unofficial parts. All models need
to be able to fit with the 9v trains theme and work with the 9v track
parts etc.
2.All items in the book will carry acknowledgements to the creator(s) of
the model in question.
3.All pieces used in the instruction models must have been seen in a TLG
set since the introduction of 9v trains (this is an idea book, so we
cant use impossible to find pieces). You also cant use pieces that have
only appeared in the timeframe in question in a promotional set or in a
2000 set that is not out yet. No non lego parts are allowed except for
batteries. No modified lego is allowed either, incuding MOC stickers. As
for using the computerisation stuff then only the RIS is allowed and you
can only use it if you provide the full program that you need to run on
the RIS. Only the RIS is allowed because:
1.the cybermaster, micro scout, code pilot and technic controll centers
cant be programmed in the true sense (the cybermaster can but it is a
pain in the ass and it is not easy to get hold of one anyway)
and 2.the onlu oyher means of controll is the scout and the scout is
also hard to get (I havent even seen a picture of one before)

4.for parts that you want to use in the model but that are not in ldraw
yet, here is the deal:
if you make the piece then that will be ok
if the piece is a decorated element that is missing but the non
decorated element is available then you have to use the non decorated
element (or you can use another element to replace it such as the
classic smile to replace most patterned heads). You need to include a
note inside the dat file detailing the missing part(s)
if the piece itself is not available and it is a minifig part or
accessory (e.g. the hairpieces, the shovel, the trolley or the suitcase)
or a "garnish" piece such as the bird, or a tree or the like then you
can either substitute it or leave it out. Again a note should be added
to the dat file.
for pieces such as the crane grabs and the like I will consider it on a
model by model basis.
String is not a required component of any model but flexable hoses
(including pnuematic hoes, flex system and technic flexable hoses) are.
Rubber bands are also not required.
if the piece itself cant be made as a full part, cant be substitued and
cant be omitted but a mock-up does exist or can be made then I will
consider the model. If there isn't even a mock-up then forget it.
For the train track, if it is an important part of the model (e.g. for a
level crossing) then I will look at how best to handle it (the mock-ups
done by thomas burger will be the most likely solution). If the track is
not important to the model then it will not appear. Other train type
parts such as the controller and speed regulator etc will be completly
omitted (if the part is not in ldraw of course)

All models will be considered, as long as they are sutable for trains.
Normal town type models will not be considered.

The final thing is that I am going to need some space to put this up or
someone to put this up to a free homepage space for me as I will be
going back to university soon and the university proxy server does not
allow ftp uploading, it is something to do with the particular brand of
server (squid) they use therefore I am stuck.

Jonathan Wilson

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 9v train idea book: I might be making one, anyone interested?
(...) Sorry. I will remove that restriction. If you have instructions in some other form they will be accepted used in the book so long as they are either cad instructions or photographic instructions. I am going to insist on one thing here: no (...) (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  9v train idea book: I might be making one, anyone interested?
I am thinking of starting a 9v trains idea book made with ldrawn instructions and mabie some pictures of some of the large stuff such as the layouts of the train clubs (with permission, of course) Is there anyone interested? It will be done very (...) (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains)

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