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Re: Do you like monorails?
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:54:14 GMT
1535 times
In lugnet.trains, Scott Edward Sanburn writes:

Hmmm... I got the Futuron one from a neighbor, who didn't like LEGO'S
that much. I got it for 80.00? I loved it. I played with that for hours,
having it connect my Space Base with my city.

Errr... My (former) best friend had the 6991 when I was in fourth grade, but I
wasn't obsessed with LEGO then.
When I asked her about it some two years ago, and offered to buy it, she said
it belonged to a friend of the family, but she didn't remember who, and that
it was only borrowed. She also said they returned it a long time ago.

for the 6399 Airport Shuttle, I saved for moths to get the 150.00 plus

I'm guessing you meant months? Hmmm... saving moths...  :-)

tax. Finally, I got enough money. My friend Josh drove me to the Pierson
Road Meijer to get it. I grabbed it, went to the front, and got in an
express line. The cashier scanned it, aand said (You are not supposed to
do this, according to Meijer policy), "Is this for your brother or
something?" I said, "No, it is for me." My favorite line "Aren't you a
little old to play with LEGO?" That just made me mad, and probably
resulted into me becoming a lifelong AFOL. But it was still worth it. I
stayed up all night to build it, and connect into my city and the Space
monorail. It was so neat.

I want the airport shuttle SO MUCH!!!

It goes for much more than $150 nowadays, right?

I tried to get the Unitron one from DYA, but they sold out. Oh well, I
hope monorails do come back one day!

Me Too!!! Tell me if they ever do!

In lugnet.trains, Scott Arthur writes:
They use the same monorails in Miami. They are called People Movers • actually.
Systems are in service, AFAIK, in Dallas, Miami, and Sydney. They usually • are
for small inner-city routes (i.e. the Miami route goes all through • downtown
and connects with the subway, which only crosses through downtown with two
stations) It would be really nice if LEGO started offering new People • Mover
style monorails.

Yeah, it would be such a great addition to town.

Then again, TLC doesn't often do good things for town nowadays...  :-(   (1)


(1) I put a wink there at first, but saddness got the better of me...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Do you like monorails?
(...) I was lucky to get that 6990. I also have had many bad luck stories with the brick. But, that is being a LEGO addict is all about, huh? (...) It is very difficult to cash in moths, you have to drag the manager into it, and set up trading, etc. (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Do you like monorails?
(...) Hmmm... I got the Futuron one from a neighbor, who didn't like LEGO'S that much. I got it for 80.00? I loved it. I played with that for hours, having it connect my Space Base with my city. for the 6399 Airport Shuttle, I saved for moths to get (...) (25 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to lugnet.trains)

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