Re: Scale Modelers Aren't the Only Ones . . .
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:33:29 GMT
13548 times
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Elroy Davis wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, Wayne Jackson wrote:
> > What is the track design software that you are using?
> I used TrackDraw for the layout, then put a screen shot into Photoshop to add
> the notes.
> There's a Yahoo group for TrackDraw at
> <>. I've found it pretty useful for
> playing with different layout ideas.
> -Elroy
Thanks for that. Sorry it has taken so long for me to reply, I was not
able to post since beginning of the month.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Scale Modelers Aren't the Only Ones . . .
| (...) I used TrackDraw for the layout, then put a screen shot into Photoshop to add the notes. There's a Yahoo group for TrackDraw at (URL). I've found it pretty useful for playing with different layout ideas. -Elroy (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
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