Re: Shay #5
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 06:25:13 GMT
1025 times
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In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
> > In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
> > > > In lugnet.trains, Lewis Valentine writes:
> > > >
> > > > > Here are some pictures to my new Shay #5
> > > >
> > > > Wonderful MOC, Lewis-- great attention to details! As I was pouring
> while we're nitpicking, c /pouring/poring/ (1)
> > > > over your
> > > > pics, it struck me that you have cleverly built past minifig scale to around
> > > > 1:29. Though you are 8 wide, Shays were a little over 9 feet wide. Also,
> > > > Shays ran on narrow gauges, so utilizing LEGO gauge pushes you upscale
> > > > as well,
> > > > sort of like the popular scale On3, where you'd model in O scale (1:48), but
> > > > use HO scale track to simulate 30" gauge rails.
> > >
> > > I think you meant 36", as 30" would be On2-1/2... (and is, I believe, what
> > > use of N gauge track in HO scale is called, HOn2-1/2)
> >
> > Nope. See:
> Nope yourself. :-)
> You need to read what you cite more carefully before you decide you should
> cite from it, because it pretty clearly says that what was once known as
> On2-1/2, and is NOW On30 is 30". Hence backing me up when I say that On3
> means 36" and that you were incorrect to call On3 36" in your first post.
Ah, well, you lost me. I never said anything about 36"; the "3" in On3 is
short for 30"... Actually, I was shooting from the hip in my initial post-- I
just found that link after your post-- weren't you blathering something about
HOn3? :-)
Basically what happens is that to model narrow gauge, you take track from the
next smallest scale and call it 30"-- it's not perfect, but close enough.
> That aside, the model itself is incredibly nifty.
But of course!
> Why not just praise the model and let it go at that, instead of using it to
> make points about stuff that you're actually not quite right about? Forget
> lecturing Lewis about what scale he's in or should be in, and just enjoy the
> model. It's a great model no matter what scale or gauge it's simulating.
I wasn't lecturing at all, but empathizing with him in his design issues,
because I have been there and have addressed these questions myself with my 14
wides et al. I wouldn't expect you puny-wides to understand.... >;-D
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Shay #5
| (...) I thought that when numbers like this were used for narrow gauge they were in reference to the gauge of the rails in feet? As in On3 for 3 feet or 36" gauge while On2&1/2 was two and a half feet or 30" gauge. I've also heard of On2, but never (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)
|  | | Scales and Gauges (was Shay #5
| (...) No, John. If you'd pay attention you'd learn something. The 3 means 3 FEET or 36 inches. NOT 30. This would be the third or fourth time you've been told that, and not just by me either (Jeff C is exactly correct). (...) And subsequent ones... (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Shay #5
| (...) while we're nitpicking, c /pouring/poring/ (1) (...) You need to read what you cite more carefully before you decide you should cite from it, because it pretty clearly says that what was once known as On2-1/2, and is NOW On30 is 30". Hence (...) (22 years ago, 11-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)
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