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Re: Shay #5
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 06:25:13 GMT
1025 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
In lugnet.trains, Lewis Valentine writes:

Here are some pictures to my new Shay #5

Wonderful MOC, Lewis-- great attention to details!  As I was pouring

while we're nitpicking, c /pouring/poring/ (1)

over your
pics, it struck me that you have cleverly built past minifig scale to around
1:29.  Though you are 8 wide, Shays were a little over 9 feet wide.  Also,
Shays ran on narrow gauges, so utilizing LEGO gauge pushes you upscale
as well,
sort of like the popular scale On3, where you'd model in O scale (1:48), but
use HO scale track to simulate 30" gauge rails.

I think you meant 36", as 30" would be On2-1/2... (and is, I believe, what
use of N gauge track in HO scale is called, HOn2-1/2)

Nope.  See:

Nope yourself. :-)

You need to read what you cite more carefully before you decide you should
cite from it, because it pretty clearly says that what was once known as
On2-1/2, and is NOW On30 is 30". Hence backing me up when I say that On3
means 36" and that you were incorrect to call On3 36" in your first post.

Ah, well, you lost me.  I never said anything about 36"; the "3" in On3 is
short for 30"...  Actually, I was shooting from the hip in my initial post-- I
just found that link after your post-- weren't you blathering something about
HOn3? :-)

Basically what happens is that to model narrow gauge, you take track from the
next smallest scale and call it 30"-- it's not perfect, but close enough.

That aside, the model itself is incredibly nifty.

But of course!

Why not just praise the model and let it go at that, instead of using it to
make points about stuff that you're actually not quite right about? Forget
lecturing Lewis about what scale he's in or should be in, and just enjoy the
model. It's a great model no matter what scale or gauge it's simulating.

I wasn't lecturing at all, but empathizing with him in his design issues,
because I have been there and have addressed these questions myself with my 14
wides et al.  I wouldn't expect you puny-wides to understand.... >;-D


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Shay #5
(...) I thought that when numbers like this were used for narrow gauge they were in reference to the gauge of the rails in feet? As in On3 for 3 feet or 36" gauge while On2&1/2 was two and a half feet or 30" gauge. I've also heard of On2, but never (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)
  Scales and Gauges (was Shay #5
(...) No, John. If you'd pay attention you'd learn something. The 3 means 3 FEET or 36 inches. NOT 30. This would be the third or fourth time you've been told that, and not just by me either (Jeff C is exactly correct). (...) And subsequent ones... (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Shay #5
(...) while we're nitpicking, c /pouring/poring/ (1) (...) You need to read what you cite more carefully before you decide you should cite from it, because it pretty clearly says that what was once known as On2-1/2, and is NOW On30 is 30". Hence (...) (22 years ago, 11-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

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