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Re: 10025 Santa Fe Cars I - just received them!!
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 15:13:58 GMT
772 times
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:

So the bricks are in fact just very-light-grey and 100% monochrome.
Do you own by chance the mosaic set (with the so far exclusive very-light-grey
1x1x0,33 plates)? If so you could check if it is the same colour. If not we
just have to wait some more days....

Based on seeing the preproduction prototypes, I assert they are not that color.

I would characterise them as being somewhat metallicised or iridescent, the
plastic is a bit translucent to a small depth and there are flecks or
sparkles in. I could be wrong.

They're not chrome plated, but they're not a solid non shiny color like the
regular gray either.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 10025 Santa Fe Cars I - just received them!!
Lar - Is this the same metallic gray that some of the Bionicle sets use (and I think one of the new Star Wars or Island Extreme sets used the same color - can't remember which as all the sets I have bought for parts recently have become blurred in (...) (23 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: 10025 Santa Fe Cars I - just received them!!
Larry, is this essential a gray version of the C3PO that is .. gold I guess. But I guess C3PO doesn't have flecks if I remember correctly. (...) (23 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)

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  Re: 10025 Santa Fe Cars I - just received them!!
(...) [Snip] (...) Thanks a lot for these informations! The new colour had been described as new kind of 'silver' (in the first spy-shots that appeared at 1000steine) so I expected some metallic effect as we know it from some of the late technic (...) (23 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)

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