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Re: My new Engine: SD70M
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 14:27:41 GMT
56 times
Nice job on the SD70M! What might work better for the logo than inlaid red
bricks is to go to a hobby shop and pick up some good-quality decals to
apply. It will definately give the engine a more prototypical look.

Here's my first attempt at a more realistic engine than those that come • with
the sets from TLG.  Its modeled after the SD70M, which was featured in the
July 99 issue of RMC.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My new Engine: SD70M
(...) Yes. And definitely would be impure. If you don't like Lego as a medium, don't use it. :-) Decals are for rebels who secretly wish they were modeling in a different medium. <HUGE FIGHT STARTING GRIN> (26 years ago, 24-Jul-99, to, lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  My new Engine: SD70M
Howdy, Here's my first attempt at a more realistic engine than those that come with the sets from TLG. Its modeled after the SD70M, which was featured in the July 99 issue of RMC. (URL) quite long, 45 studs, from the front rail to the back rail. It (...) (26 years ago, 19-Jul-99, to, lugnet.trains)

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