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Re: pictures of the LEGO fest in Muelheim, Germany
lugnet.general, lugnet.trains
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 13:53:36 GMT
65 times
In lugnet.general, Frank Buiting writes:

I have uploaded pictures of the LEGOfest we had in Germany.
We didn't have a layout planned in advance, people brought their MOCs and a
layout was created 'on-the-fly'. We had a great time running all the trains
and looking at some impressive creations!

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!  I always love to see European creations.


Message is in Reply To:
  pictures of the LEGO fest in Muelheim, Germany
Hi, I have uploaded pictures of the LEGOfest we had in Germany. We didn't have a layout planned in advance, people brought their MOCs and a layout was created 'on-the-fly'. We had a great time running all the trains and looking at some impressive (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.trains) !! 

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