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Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 19:18:57 GMT
3486 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, Steve Chapple writes:

Having spent a great deal of time on the Supertrain layout, this is
something I'm very interested in.  A couple of 100' long straight
segments with a town and one end and an industrial area at the other
was what comprised our "main loop".  I've described the layout as
three (interconnected) loops, but that's because of how I define "dog
bone".  Is it defined simply by how it looks?  Doesn't the track
geometry come into play?  The first one is what we had at Supertrain,
but I'd only (for sure) call the third one a dog-bone, as it's the only
one that actually loops back on itself.  I might call the second one a
dog-bone because the cross-overs _do_ cause it to cross back onto
itself, albeit very briefly and not in the same was as the switches.

Here are three layout diagrams:

Which one(s) would be defined as dog bones and why?

The definition of a "dogbone" is an oval that has been pinched in the
middle so that the two sides of it are close enough together that they
look like double track... then stretched to quite a bit longer.
That's the key idea... oval except it got squished and stretched.

Ah - OK   Then would this be a single or double dog-bone?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition
(...) A double dogbone would be if the whole dogbone was double track, I think. That means including the end loops... one nested inside the other ++Lar (24 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 'Dog Bone' - definition
(...) The definition of a "dogbone" is an oval that has been pinched in the middle so that the two sides of it are close enough together that they look like double track... then stretched to quite a bit longer. That's the key idea... it could have (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-01, to lugnet.trains)

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