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Re: dacta hospital
lugnet.dacta,, lugnet.general
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 04:08:08 GMT
59 times
Hey Tony, not to criticize you, but that fact has been already mentioned,
and the fact that the instructions this way make it next to impossible to

Here's a thought....I want to keep the equipment the way it is, but somehow
combine it with the Emergency Treatment Center, and make it into a
metropolitan hospital....with 3 to 5 floors similiar to the one by my house.

Benjamin Medinets

In lugnet.dacta, Tony Kilaras writes:
There are no instructions, just idea cards.

"Christopher J. Dean" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.dacta, Benjamin Medinets writes:
Does anybody know where I can purchase a copy of the Dacta Hospital.
I have the Emergency Treatment Center, but I want to have a metropolitan-
sized hospital with it being completely functional with ER, OR, recovery
room, physical therapy, a nice-sized reception area, etc. etc.


    This set is very hard to get.  The last time I saw one available was • on
Ebay six to twelve months ago.  I believe the closing bid was over $250.
The chances of getting this set though is very slim.  On another note, • does
anyone have scans of the directions to this set.  It would be nice to have
the directions as inspiration for building a hospital from scratch.  Your
cooperation would be appreciated.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: dacta hospital
(...) Hmm, sound more like a challenge than a problem Benjamin. Have you tried creating your own medically looking stuff? Lot's of lights and tubes and things hanging all over the place. I'll try to create an operating room and see what I get. They (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to lugnet.dacta,, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: dacta hospital
There are no instructions, just idea cards. "Christopher J. Dean" <> wrote in message (...) on (...) does (...) (24 years ago, 20-Mar-01, to lugnet.dacta,, lugnet.general)

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