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Re: Does anyone else's Pit Droid not "pop" up properly?
lugnet.technic, lugnet.general
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 22:05:57 GMT
1961 times
Does everyone's pit droid look like he is looking at the ground? Mine does
"Phil Watt" <> wrote in message
If you look at the design, there is a half-pin around the ancle or calf that
keeps the thigh from over extending.  Mine (at first) had a problem
with the knee joint being slightly out and the half pin did not prevent it
over rotating.

my $0.02


"Peter A. Vogel" wrote:

Mine --- er, "my daughter's" (it was her birthday gift after all :-), • stands
just fine,
with the heel pointing down.  In fact, with the heel flat, he would • probably
backward.  He really is quite stable standing.

On the other hand, regarding the "pop" my daughter got quite upset that he
only "pops"
properly when held up.  I had to take her to the movie again (gosh, I • hated
that :-) to
demonstrate that the most obvious popping happens only when Jar-Jar is
holding the
droid...  But I admit, it ticked me off too -- I thought it should pop • from
scrunched to
standing (with a possible topple afterward) but it doesn't, and the
mechanics of
the folding make that essentially impossible...


"Jonathan Little" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.technic, Paul Davidson writes:
The heels point downwards.  I double-checked this when I was assembling • it,
since it seemed awkward.  But with both legs, mine stands very well.  I • can
even bump him around on my desk, and he slides instead of falling over.


Paul Davidson

I realize that the instructions have the green "heel" part pointing • down,
mine would not stand like that. I keep it folded up on the shelf because • it
won't stand. When I made the change that was suggested earlier about • pointing
the green "heel" backwards, it stood for the first time since I got it. • Maybe
I made some other mistake that is causing him to fall forward when the • "heel"
is pointing down. When I get a spare hour, I'm going to take him apart • and
double check to make sure I didn't do anything wrong.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Does anyone else's Pit Droid not "pop" up properly?
(...) So do the 'actual' ones from the movie... EC (25 years ago, 23-Jan-00, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Does anyone else's Pit Droid not "pop" up properly?
If you look at the design, there is a half-pin around the ancle or calf that keeps the thigh from over extending. Mine (at first) had a problem standing, with the knee joint being slightly out and the half pin did not prevent it from over rotating. (...) (25 years ago, 17-Jan-00, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.general)

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