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Re: removing a spring from the pneumatic pump
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:15:25 GMT
940 times
Note that most of the motorized compressors I've seen on the web do
not use the large pump that comes with the explorer sub, they use
the smaller things.  Somewhere there is a web site that describes using
an RCX to measure the efficiency of 3 compressor designs, one uses
a single compressor piston, another uses two (with only one compressed
at a time) and the 3rd uses the large pump with the spring removed.  The
pump did not perform well as a component of a motorized compressor.

"Jeff Canar" <> wrote in message
I just purchased a technic sub with the large pneumatic pump.  I was • wondering
if there is an easy way to remove the spring from the pump.  I've seen • pictures
of motorized compressors with the spring off the pump, but don't see how • you
get it off (aside from cutting the spring and tearing it off).

thanks in advance,

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: removing a spring from the pneumatic pump
(...) It's here (URL) C S Soh (URL) where air is power (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  removing a spring from the pneumatic pump
I just purchased a technic sub with the large pneumatic pump. I was wondering if there is an easy way to remove the spring from the pump. I've seen pictures of motorized compressors with the spring off the pump, but don't see how you get it off (...) (25 years ago, 15-Jan-00, to lugnet.technic)

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