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 Technic / 7740
7739  |  7741
Re: Prototype Pneumtic Excavator Controls
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 17:56:23 GMT
688 times
In lugnet.technic, James Brown writes:
In lugnet.technic, Steven Lane writes:
In lugnet.technic, Steven Lane writes:

The brickshelf moderator fascist's have cleared my pic's so those links will
work now and my earlier post will make that much more sense.

Brickshelf moderator fascists?  Would that be the guy Kevin Loch, who's
selflessly put 3+ years into the community, providing instruction and
catalog scans and free picture hosting space out of his own pocket?  If you
don't like what he's been forced into because people have abused his NO
CHARGE service, go somewhere else to host your pictures.


Other people are opposed to brickshelf moderation as well:

My use of the term fascist wasn't meant that seriously, It does seem to be
using a bit of a sledgehammer/nut situation though.

We have the same problem in UK traffic management. Nearby to me on a main
road we have a speed bump installed, totally uneccecerily. Perhaps one
person got run over because one driver couldn't drive properly and everyone
gets punished. It's the nanny state gone mad.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Prototype Pneumtic Excavator Controls
(...) or don't complain about the FREE service. James FUT --> lugnet.publish (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Prototype Pneumtic Excavator Controls
(...) Brickshelf moderator fascists? Would that be the guy Kevin Loch, who's selflessly put 3+ years into the community, providing instruction and catalog scans and free picture hosting space out of his own pocket? If you don't like what he's been (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to lugnet.technic)

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