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Re: Steering and driving.
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 10:47:39 GMT
1879 times

I have made a four wheel drive car with a steering setup mostly like
this.  However, the setup was much too bulky, and the friction
inherent in the bevel gear transmissing made it mostly useless.

I never tried it out so I can't tell about the friction.

So I'm not a fan of this kind of setup.  Perhaps you can achieve less
friction by using crown gears rather than bevel gears?  That will make
the setup even more bulky, though.

Perhaps that's an option. Don't think the bulkyness matters.

This setup will not have the transmission friction in the bevel gear
setup, but still you will have the problem that the setup will be
bulky and wide.  And perhaps not too rigid?

Nah, it ain't to ridgid, hence the other version above. But it's made
out of mostly basic Technic parts, or could be made by it.

For steering wheel drive, I prefer to use an articulated setup, like
in the 4WD 8459 Front Loader.  This solution is really efficient.

That's always an option but I still wan't to use the 8660's steering
so the problem remains.

Thanks for the input.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Steering and driving.
(...) I took a look at 8660 right now, and I'm sure you want to use the same principle, but not the same size, right? You'll probably want to use Supercar size wheels? I'll agree with you that you'll need to power more than one axle to get it going. (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Steering and driving.
(...) this. However, the setup was much too bulky, and the friction inherent in the bevel gear transmissing made it mostly useless. So I'm not a fan of this kind of setup. Perhaps you can achieve less friction by using crown gears rather than bevel (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)

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