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 Technic / 1770
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Re: Throwbots and Roboriders
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 11:42:33 GMT
973 times
In lugnet.technic, Ran Talbott writes:
In lugnet.technic, Ray Kremer writes:

Granite is lame

An ironic choice of words,  since I think it's the only one with 4 legs  ;-)
Granite certainly doesn't cut it as a pretend "fierce robo-warrior",  but
he does make a kinda-cute little dog.  Maybe I'll put one one display as a Pit
Droid Pet Droid...


Thats how I think of him.  I just like his colours and unique appearance.
Amazon would be fierce though, he is holding a sword.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Throwbots and Roboriders
(...) An ironic choice of words, since I think it's the only one with 4 legs ;-) Granite certainly doesn't cut it as a pretend "fierce robo-warrior", but he does make a kinda-cute little dog. Maybe I'll put one one display as a Pit Droid Pet (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jul-00, to lugnet.technic)

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