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Re: Rare? SW sets FSOT
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 04:24:09 GMT
48 times
Well, I took a little over 600 pics, they'll be posted this week sometime.

Julie Krenz wrote:

Tom Stangl, VFAQman wrote:

Julie Krenz wrote:

Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Mike Stanley wrote:

Yep.  I checked a Target, Kohl's, and TRU today - nothing.  They'll be
here soon enough though.  Not that I'll pay full price for them.  I'll
wait for them to go on at least a 20% off sale.  Picked up 6 3053's
and a handfull of Adventurer polybags that way this weekend.

My prediction is that unless we get lucky, it's going to be a while
before even a 20% sale comes to pass at any kind of well run

I'm hoping for a sale at one of the big stores next weekend to tie in with
the grand opening of LegoLand.Julie

Well now, that wouldn't do those of us AT the park much good, would it?

Ow, rub it in why dontcha? I don't see us at the park until the summer of 2000.
My littlest will be 3 then, still a handful at that age, but  manageable enough
for me to enjoy myself. I'll be thinking of you all, I want to see lots of


Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rare? SW sets FSOT
(...) Ow, rub it in why dontcha? I don't see us at the park until the summer of 2000. My littlest will be 3 then, still a handful at that age, but manageable enough for me to enjoy myself. I'll be thinking of you all, I want to see lots of (...) (26 years ago, 16-Mar-99, to, lugnet.starwars)

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