"Richard Noeckel" <Shroud_of_kung_fu@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I would love to see that, should you complete it.
> I'm betting that the new Star Wars Ewoks will prove invaluable.
That depends on what kind of minfig the Ewoks turn out to be. There are
three possible ways Lego will make Ewoks:
1) Small solid lump, like Sebulba. I think this is quite likely for two
reasons: it's a know fact most Star Wars fans hate Ewoks (so they might not
be popular), and scale to other minifigs (Ewoks as tall as Chewie is kinda
2) Classic minfig. A cute face printed on a minifig head and a cowl of new
design thrown over the top. Very unlikely this will happen, but it would be
cool as the cowls/hoods could be used elsewhere.
3) Chewie style. If ewoks are a true minifig then it'll be a one piece
overtop job like the Chewie minifig.
I had thought that they could use the ol' 70s style legs (the solid brick)
with a print on them. It would make the Ewoks figs a tile's height shorter.
Smaller heads will be impossible as well as shorter torsos. The pieces
would end up too small or fragile.
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