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Re: Steampunk diorama
Sat, 17 Dec 2005 16:50:38 GMT
4284 times
In, Jason S. Mantor wrote:
OK.  Now that you've posted, those you have to tell us what you did to
get that "gritty" effect!

BTW, Cool, model Tim : )

There are two ways I achieve a "gritty" effect.

The first and easiest is to open the render in Photoshop or GIMP (which is free
software, and wonderful btw--everyone should download a copy), then add a new
layer and fill it with greyscale noise using a noise generation filter. In GIMP,
make your noise greyscale by choosing Tools->Color Tools->Hue\Saturation, and
setting saturation to -100. Adjust your layer blending options and presto!

The alternate method, if you don't have access to post-processing software for
some reason (such as: you are participating in the internet raytracing
competition and you're not allowed to use it), is to create a virtual camera
"gel" or filter and place it directly in front of the camera in POV-Ray. Assign
it a bitmap of noise, or generate one using a pigment such as perhaps cells?...
If you're POV-friendly you can write a simple piece of code that will cause the
noisy rectangle to track with the camera. There's a tiny bit of geometry
involved, but it won't hurt you.

If anyone wants to share their POV files, I'd have fun remixing their scenes in
this fashion...

Adios amigos

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Steampunk diorama
OK. Now that you've posted, those you have to tell us what you did to get that "gritty" effect! BTW, Cool, model Tim : ) (...) (19 years ago, 17-Dec-05, to

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