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Re: Giant Space Baby attack!
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 02:45:22 GMT
1895 times
I wish I had that giant space viewscreen in my basement! Seriously, the viewscreen is a great idea well-executed, and it opens up so many possibilities. You could have your space men watching football, or the Simpsons, for example. You could print off a picture of one of the famous Lego capital ships like the “Ghoul” or the “Dragonstar” and put it in the frame. But the giant floating space baby, that is pretty funny.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Giant Space Baby attack!
(...) Not only is it funny, it also earned me serious kudos with my NLSO who's nephew it is :) (20 years ago, 1-Nov-04, to, FTX)

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  Giant Space Baby attack!
This post covers a couple of different topics, first off: <DELURK> I've been hiding in the shadows for about 6 years now, In that time I've posted only once or twice, mostly because I haven't been building much of my own stuff. However, I finally (...) (20 years ago, 29-Oct-04, to, FTX) !! 

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