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Re: Jade Empire: Tzu Fighter Bomber
Mon, 10 May 2004 17:16:33 GMT
1545 times
In, Gil Shaw wrote:
   Hopping on the big, green bandwagon....

Cheers, -Gil

Most excellent. I like the split at the front, overall a very neat ship, and I deffinately see the klingon blade influence. It also reminds me just a little bit of an old Blacktron ship, though with the cockpit at the back. Glad to see I wasn’t the only one in the schoolyard pretending the the mulch was spaceships.

Oh, and btw, that SOHO shot of the sun is indeed a very cool background.

-Dan Rubin

Chair of the Cyber-braintrust

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Jade Empire: Tzu Fighter Bomber
(...) Oh yeah...I am old skool all the way. I'm glad to see that my relatively new focus on making ships with a tip o' the hat to the old days came through...a great compliment! Thanks! Cheers, -Gil (21 years ago, 11-May-04, to, FTX)

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  Jade Empire: Tzu Fighter Bomber
Hopping on the big, green bandwagon.... (URL) Cheers, -Gil (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to, FTX) ! 

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