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Re: sea monkeys teaser
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 04:19:13 GMT
179 times
In lugnet.aquazone, Larry Pieniazek wrote:

p.s. - Get your dad to build some space stuff! :-)

I'll try but I won't get far

Why should *I* build space???

I shan't even dignify that with a response. :-P

I too am just taken aback by the way Nik managed to work the Sea Monkey head
into the Goldfish Warrior front canopy (bionicle mask).... so it's like the
little fellow is sort of *wearing* his craft!

Isn't that thing just sweet?!  I love it...coolest small moc I've seen in a
really long time.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: sea monkeys teaser
(...) Why should *I* build space??? I don't need to! I've got a kid that can build stuff like this: (URL) be glad I'm not campaigning to get him to build trains, you guys... :-) Keep pushing him to harass me about building space and I might. :-) (...) (22 years ago, 27-Aug-03, to lugnet.aquazone,  

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