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Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:19:43 GMT
492 times
Pretty groovy pic, I used the Flaming Pear - it's too bad it expires. I'm
not sure if it's worth actually purchasing, however.

I thought I'd chime in on making blurred images, though:

A better way to simulate motion is to make use of layers.

Take your ship layer and duplicated it, so you've got two. Then, take one
layer and use the Motion Blur filter on it. Set the blur high, say 100
pixels in Distance and set the Angle to the direction the ship is
going/coming from. This should reduce the ship on that layer a series of
colored streaks, more or less.

Now, change the Opacity of the Blured Layer to something like 35-40%. You'll
have to experiment with this one, when the background is darker, sometimes
it's harder to see the blured layer so you might need to set it higher.

You'll have to move this layer around a bit as well. It should look like
it's moving, while the ship is still clearly visible. So it's just sliding
it towards the back of the ship, so the streaks are coming off the rear.
More experimentation.

You can also tweak the whole thing somewhat by using the Eraser (set at, say
20% - soft brush) on the blured layer to soften some of the edges of the motion.

This should leave the image of the ship basically clear, while still giving
you that sense of motion. It looks like you may have done some of this. If
so, sorry to blab on. Hope some of it was helpful.

I made a quick-and-dirty example:


Groove On,

-Evil Wayne
"There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

In, John Henry Kruer writes:

It's the first picture I've ever fully finished in my Adobe Elements
program.  It might become the splash for the new page I'm designing.  (Yes,
splashes are the abomination of the internet, but I needed some exercise in
image editing...)

PLMKWYT.  I'm rather of a newbie in this field.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
(...) Yeah, I just used the demo and saved as many images as I could be it expired! :) (...) blurring. Thanks for all the suggestions! -JHK (22 years ago, 1-Mar-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  My first Photoshop Picture...
(URL) the first picture I've ever fully finished in my Adobe Elements program. It might become the splash for the new page I'm designing. (Yes, splashes are the abomination of the internet, but I needed some exercise in image editing...) PLMKWYT. (...) (22 years ago, 27-Feb-03, to

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