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Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 22:06:46 GMT
482 times
I should stress that I DID NOT make the planet.  I used a neat little filter
called lunercell that is available here, along with a fully functional demo:

Thanks for the response!


In, John P. Henderson writes:
I think it looks good, John.  I don't know enough about Adobe to give any
suggestions on how to do it better (the Adobe work I have done for my SS
pics is credited to my roommate).  I gotta ask though, how did you get that
texture and shape on the planet surface?  That looks cool!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
(...) I think it looks good, John. I don't know enough about Adobe to give any suggestions on how to do it better (the Adobe work I have done for my SS pics is credited to my roommate). I gotta ask though, how did you get that texture and shape on (...) (22 years ago, 27-Feb-03, to

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