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My first Photoshop Picture...
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:46:01 GMT
427 times

It's the first picture I've ever fully finished in my Adobe Elements
program.  It might become the splash for the new page I'm designing.  (Yes,
splashes are the abomination of the internet, but I needed some exercise in
image editing...)

PLMKWYT.  I'm rather of a newbie in this field.


Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
(...) I think it looks good, John. I don't know enough about Adobe to give any suggestions on how to do it better (the Adobe work I have done for my SS pics is credited to my roommate). I gotta ask though, how did you get that texture and shape on (...) (22 years ago, 27-Feb-03, to
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
(...) Wow, for a first full picture, this is great! You did very well for yourself. I am impressed. If you will induldge me, however, I'd like to give out a couple points of constructive criticism. I don't know if I would have put the blur on the (...) (22 years ago, 27-Feb-03, to
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
Very nice, mr. Kruer. Can't see anything straight out that seems problematic, and it certainly looks nice. Personally, I'm not a big fan of blurred images, but that's just my simple opinion. Otherwise, great stuff.. sound like your new site is gonna (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
Pretty groovy pic, I used the Flaming Pear - it's too bad it expires. I'm not sure if it's worth actually purchasing, however. I thought I'd chime in on making blurred images, though: A better way to simulate motion is to make use of layers. Take (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
(...) Hey there Look! I finally got Lugnet to let me post! Anyways, I installed it on my PhotoDeluxe and cranked out a few sample images. Take a look here: (URL) think they look good, and maybe a few will show up in future pics of my MOC's! ~Andrew~ (22 years ago, 1-Mar-03, to
  Re: My first Photoshop Picture...
Hey, everybody, thanks for the responses! I've slightly redone the splash. Does it look better? -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to

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