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Re: New MOC: Einhander
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:41:14 GMT
611 times
This one time, Xcalabur wrote:
Welcome!  It's always good to see new faces(names?) in .space.

And on Earth too ;)

The Einhander is pretty cool - I like the building style you used; as Gil
said, the sculpture approach is pretty nifty.  Can't wait to see what you
come up with for gunpods.

That will be much more detailed. I tried to make a cannon (ha!) that
didn't come out right.

While I'm working on the heat sinking missiles for Ravage (transformer),
I found a good way to make the missiles for the Wasp and some other
gunpods :)

Stay tuned.. hopefully more soon..

Teacher: Define Sarcasm in five   (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-.
         words or less.            >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`.
Kid:     Yeah, that will be easy. (v_," ; `,-\ ; : ; \/,-~) \
stripes at tigerlair dot com       `--'_..),-/ ' ' '_.>-' )`.`.__.')
stripes at brickbox dot com       ((,((,__..'~~~~~~((,__..'  `-..-'fL

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New MOC: Einhander
Anne, Welcome! It's always good to see new faces(names?) in .space. The Einhander is pretty cool - I like the building style you used; as Gil said, the sculpture approach is pretty nifty. Can't wait to see what you come up with for gunpods. -Chris (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to

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