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Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.database
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 02:57:15 GMT
1333 times

...<several more knowledgeable people try to fix the date of the big release>

My memory of seeing the first minifig spaceman is a summer memory, and it was
before 1979 started. I guess it could have been a warm Texas December though!
A kid up the block had got his first Rocket Launcher and mutilated and destroyed
it before I ever saw it. A mutual friend came and told me this kid had a man
with moveable arms (unlike my 1 solitary stiff guy.) I didn't believe it, until
I picked a red astronaut torso out of the street tar. I found the amputated
arms, too, and the legs chewed up by a dog, which didn't fit anymore. This kid
destroyed all his toys, but maybe the dog helped that time. So, my memory
records the complete destruction of a Space Set in 1978. I brought the torso
home and wondered why the red stubby head was so small. It was really stupid

A short while later (after Christmas 1978 at least) my brother and I braved the
drainage tunnel under the freeway to get to the nearest toy store to look at RC
cars, and I was wowed by all the strange and wonderful Lego. In February 1979 I
picked out the 575 Coast Guard Station because it had the most minifigs, a
decision I would regret for a long time. However, at the time, it was all new
and unusual.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
(...) Was this kid's name Sid, by any chance? Steve (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to

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  Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
(...) I noticed that while looking through it the other day, and cringed. (Hey, I'm a proud pedant! :-) Not only did the writer there use the word "kit" instead of "set" or "building set," but the first LEGOLAND Space sets were announced in 1978 -- (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to, lugnet.admin.database)

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