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Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.database
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 07:49:32 GMT
1213 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
A question for Space historians out there...  Which Space sets *were* released
in 1978???  For sure, there are these 4:

1. <set:897> Launcher (a.k.a. <set:462> Rocket Launcher in the U.S.)
2. <set:918> Space Transport (non-U.S.)
3. <set:924> Transporter (a.k.a. <set:487> Space Cruiser in the U.S.)
4. <set:926> Command Centre (a.k.a. <set:493> Space Command Center in the • U.S.)

But were there actually 6, or only 4?

My educated guess is that there were only 4 released in 1978. While I no
longer have instructs for 462 Rocket Launcher, I'll take it that it was 1978,
because it was the first space set I ever bought (I bought two :) though I
could not make out the (C) date on

Looking at my US 1979 catalog, there are seven sets, excluding the
crater/roadplates (and Europe's 918). But the other additional 4 sets widely
introduced in 1979 were (using US set numbers:
442 Space Shuttle
452 Mobile Tracking Station
483 Alpha-1 Rocket Base
497 Galaxy Explorer
   of which for all 4 I still have instructs, and all 4 are dated 1979.
Besides, if there really were other sets released in 1978, I would have bought
them to be sure cuz there weren't that many to buy that year.

<set:920> (a.k.a. <set:483> Alpha-1 Rocket Base) is currently listed in the DB
as being a 1979 set, but I could swear that JoshuaD or someone once found a
copy of 483 instructions or a box that was (c)197*8*...  However, I could be

It might be possible, just as Command Center had two versions (earlier with a
plain baseplate with brick-built crater, later with craterplate a la 453
Crater Plates). I say 'possible' because I have the craterplate version of the
set, and its instructs are dated 1979. It could be possible that the earlier
rocket base might also have had a brick-built crater.

I also seem to remember once seeing or hearing that someone had
a <set:885> which was (c) 1978.

That's not a huge stretch, given the 885's early and simple design[1].
Brickshelf clearly shows that set's instructs at (C)1979, unless TLC for that
year redid all existing copyrights, and made new instructs and set boxes for
all of Space? That's not a huge stretch either, considering the addition of
(only) 4 new Space sets (which was half of the whole theme), they could have
changed anything actually produced and boxed that year cuz there were only 4.

-Tom McD.
when replying, "and he puts the ol' spamcake on the ball.. pitch.. swing! and
a miss.. ball three."

[1] Sorry for the set number only... I never did hear if set 885 had a name.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
(...) I can confirm that I actually had one of these sets in my posession in 1978; I got it in Toronto at a convention my dad was attending. -Cheese (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to, lugnet.admin.database)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Page 7 of Spring S@H catalog
(...) Say...on that note... A question for Space historians out there... Which Space sets *were* released in 1978??? For sure, there are these 4: 1. <set:897> Launcher (a.k.a. <set:462> Rocket Launcher in the U.S.) 2. <set:918> Space Transport (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to, lugnet.admin.database)

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