| | Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
(...) Thanks so much for saying this, Dave! It's appreciated! And having posts besides monthly dinners to look at is awesome as well :) Dave K (7 months ago, 10-Sep-24, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
(...) This incredible display really demands more attention. Every time I check it out, I find more to admire in it. (7 months ago, 12-Aug-24, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
(...) Thanks Steve! It's appreciated! It was a fun day! Hope all is good in your world! Take care, Dave (3 years ago, 4-Jul-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
(...) This looks great! Your friend (and you!) did a fantastic job! Steve (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
Here it is! https://youtu.be/zEYWym2gCck My friend (who works in 'the biz') got some 'studio time' booked at his shop and we set up the #OBBCSL. He set up the lighting and the screens and I set up the layout. He originally thought about 'green (...) (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.loc.ca.on, lugnet.space)
 | | #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
I had the opportunity to set up the #OBBCSL in a studio environment and get it professionally filmed today. This is a quick vid I made with my cell phone at one point. https://youtu.be/TQ5PPKOv7SA Hope you like it! Dave K (3 years ago, 5-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.loc.ca.on, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) Thanks so much Dave! ! I sporadically check out LUGNET ;) I'm just kinda focused on making this layout as 'best' as possible. I may get bored of it at some point and do something else, but for now, this is basically it :) Good hearing from (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) <Removed> (...) Thanks so much! I always considered my building style to be stuck in the '70's and 'early '80's :) I have fun with it, tho. And i'm basically doing 2 shows 'back-to-back' One this upcoming weekend in Etobicoke, and one the (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) Terrific work! I'm sorry that I didn't see this thread until now, or I'd have commented sooner. I don't go in for LEGO much lately, but Classic Space will forever hold a special classic space in my heart. Thanks for sharing! Dave! (3 years ago, 7-Apr-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) Truely wonderful work! I really like the contrast between the classic space and the modern building styles. (3 years ago, 28-Mar-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | An RCX running on a Windows XP VM controlling a monorail train
I set up my WinXP VM with BrixCC and connected one of my RCX's to my copperized monorail track. I wrote a quick NQC program that would control the speed and direction of the monorail train via a rotation sensor connected to the RCX. It's not as (...) (3 years ago, 7-Mar-22, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) Thanks!! Dave K (3 years ago, 3-Mar-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) WOW! (3 years ago, 28-Feb-22, to lugnet.space)
 | | My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
I 'finished' (is it ever done?) lighting up my Classic Space Layout and decided to set it up in my living room. I took some pics and posted them on my Flickr channel - <https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzD1sW> Also took a few vids and put them on my YouTube (...) (3 years ago, 24-Feb-22, to lugnet.space, lugnet.announce, lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.loc.ca.on)
 | | Lego Space Set Reviews!!!!
Yeah, I wanted a project during Covid and this was as good as it gets for me... And no one else posts here anymore - not even that guy talking about monthly dinners... So with much further ado, I've been building and reviewing all LEGO space sets, (...) (3 years ago, 4-Nov-21, to lugnet.space)
 | | Reptillian Space Fighter
This started as a real-life build with my son that then got embellished in LDD and rendered with bluerender.  (URL) The design is a departure from my typical "Neo-Classic-Space" builds. Its form felt much more "organic" and the (...) (6 years ago, 6-Jul-19, to lugnet.space, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !
 | | Re: OBB CSL @ the 'Boats, Models and Trains' event in Hamilton, Ontario, May 25 and 26, 2019
Just a reminder that the Ontario Brick Builders (k, just me) will be displaying the Classic Space layout at the Boats, Models and Train show at the Hamilton Steam Museum tomorrow and Sunday. The public hours for both days are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.. (...) (6 years ago, 24-May-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.events, lugnet.space)
 | | OBB CSL @ the 'Boats, Models and Trains' event in Hamilton, Ontario, May 25 and 26, 2019
This is the one I've been personally trying to get into for a few years now. Not just because it's in my own 'back yard', but this place is one of my favourite places to visit-- The Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology National Historic Site (...) (6 years ago, 11-Apr-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.events, lugnet.space)
 | | TENTATIVE Show - The Greater Toronto Train Show, Oct 5 and 6
I'm going to go all rtlT 'old school' on this one. I contacted the organisers at the Greater Toronto Train Show and they would like to have us at their train show October 5 and 6th in Brampton, Ontario. Now I'm ONLY going to do this show if I get (...) (6 years ago, 1-Apr-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.events, lugnet.space)
 | | Ontario Brick Builders Classic Space Layout @ Ancaster Collectorfest May 5, 2019
Wow--2 shows scheduled! So we have the '80's Toy Expo on April 7th, 2019 <https://www.ontario...-ontario/> (which I asked for more tables for others to display their stuff :) ) and now we are scheduled to appear at the Ancaster Collectorfest on May (...) (6 years ago, 27-Mar-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.events, lugnet.space)