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Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:58:07 GMT
9435 times
In, "David Koudys" <> wrote:
I 'finished' (is it ever done?) lighting up my Classic Space Layout and decided
to set it up in my living room.

I took some pics and posted them on my Flickr channel -


Also took a few vids and put them on my YouTube Channel -

A 'minifig' camera view on the layout -


My discussion about the layout -


There are a whole slew of other previous vids on my YouTube channel that show
how I got to this point.

A very special thanks to Rob Hendrix for his LifeLites lighting kits that I used
extensively in this layout.


I should probably do a tally to see what the final number is for LifeLites kits
in the layout...

Here's a quick listing off the top of my head -

Landing pads - 13 x 2 kits each = 26
Monorail Station - 2 kits
Habitat - 1 kit
Rocket Launch - 2 kits
Ships - 3 advanced kits (so far - soon to me more)
Tower - floors 0-3 (ground ops) - 8
Tower - floors 4-9 (landing pad/monorail demarc) - 2
Tower - floor 10 (observation) - 2
Tower - floor 11 (space ops) - 2
Tower - floor 12 (exec - cake topper) - 2

Total - 50 LifeLite basic/advanced kits. (think 5 of the 50 are advanced)

times (mostly) 8 LED's each - 400 LED lights

That number is high because not all the kits have 8 LED's connected. But most

Thankfully I've been acquiring the LifeLite kits over the years since Rob
started making them, because that would be hard on the bank if I bought them all
at once :)

Anyway, the evolution of the OBBCSL has been so much fun over the years, and I'm
not done with it yet.

That said, the 'big' changes are now mostly complete and it's finally, after
12ish years of updating it, where I wanted it to be from the beginning.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Dave K


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
(...) Thanks!! Dave K (3 years ago, 3-Mar-22, to

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  My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
I 'finished' (is it ever done?) lighting up my Classic Space Layout and decided to set it up in my living room. I took some pics and posted them on my Flickr channel - <> Also took a few vids and put them on my YouTube (...) (3 years ago, 24-Feb-22, to, lugnet.announce,,

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