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Re: Lego de-lurks!
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 19:49:42 GMT
711 times

Many (most? all?) of your wishes can be easily fulfilled
with the HandyBoard and its expansion board.  It is programmed in
Interactive C ... so if you've been using Dave Baum's NQC there is
only a very small learning curve, it has more I/O than you'll ever
use on a LEGO robot, and with the expansion board it handles all of
the LEGO active sensors.  If you buy it in kit form the price is
little more than the cost of the RIS set.  And it works with the
Mac as well as with Windoze.  Best of all, the HandyBoard was designed
from the ground up to be used in building LEGO robots!

Links for the HandyBoard kit:
Links for the expansion board kit:
Link for the assembled HB and expansion board:
Link for MIT's HandyBoard site:
Link for the HandyBoard mailing list:

Play well,
- Nick -

"Marco C." wrote:

Is there a page with an organized Lego pBrick related wish list ?

Ok, let's see my wish list:

1) A SuperRCX with *at leat* 6 sensor ports, at least 4 motors, a
rechargeable battery through a it's own power port and RF antenas for PC
comms together with IR for inter-RCX's comms *or*

2) A CyberMaster<->RCX proper *comunication* interface, at least one that
could transmit/receive a value other than the light->lightsensor's
on(1)/off(0) values (I know, I know, it's possible to do a soft routine for
serial comunication of >1 values)

3) LEGO Technic 9v Light brick (er... is this already available ?)

4) MORE Sensor's !!! :) (er... a GPS sensor is out of the question ? ehehe)
4.1) Compass Sensor ?
4.2) A compact *small* analogue-like Tilt Sensor (0 to 100% values)
4.3) Compact Ultrasonic range finder
        (check John Barnes's
4.4) What about a magnetic sens... HEY!!! THAT'S IT! I have
something for my LegoBot to search (simulating food)! I'll do a magnetic
sensor out of a TouchSensor and a magnet! Yes! (Has anyone done this before ?)

Ok, for Video/Audio "sensor" there's the X10 wireless color Cam thing :)
(well, a smaller 9v Audio/Video Sender would be nice)

Marco C. aka McViper

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego de-lurks!
WOW! YEAH! :) Is there a page with an organized Lego pBrick related wish list ? Ok, let's see my wish list: 1) A SuperRCX with *at leat* 6 sensor ports, at least 4 motors, a rechargeable battery through a it's own power port and RF antenas for PC (...) (25 years ago, 11-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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