One Addition for Scout, you can use a fiber cable to connect Scout and a micro-scout,
let that micro-scout to control a switch point, so you can get three output ports from
Then if you can put Scout on a special position with a external light source, you also
can use build-in light sensor to detect light. Now you got three input ports.
Zhengrong Zang wrote:
> You can use Scout to control trains like using RCX, I had tested. The difference is
> that Scout only can use passive light sensor, then they only have two input and
> output ports, then you only can use NQC, not legOS. When you write NQC, you can use
> __RCX, __SCOUT and __RCX=2 for different parts of your program.
> If you use RCX/Scout to control tracks not trains, you don't need so many
> RCX/Scout, separate your layout to blocks, then one block is connected to one
> output port of RCX/Scout, this way is better than putting RCX/Scout on the train,
> because you don't need to modify your train.
> Good luck!
> Zhengrong
> David Niemann wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Thanks for your help. I am back with more questions. First, is it possible to
> > use scout computers like the one in this auction
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1653386680
> > to control trains instead of the RCXs? Is looks like they're a lot cheaper, but
> > are they not as good as the RCX? Also, I am wondering if I could make my subway
> > layout a little more complicated without needing a lot of extra RCXs and stuff.
> > My idea is to have two tracks at the end of the layout, and then have two more
> > tracks for the rest of the layout. In other words, the inner tracks will go all
> > the way down the layout, but the outer tracks will terminate about 3/4 of the
> > way down. I want to run two local trains on the outer tracks and two express
> > trains on the inner tracks. Would it be possible for me to have my local
> > trains stop at stations that my express trains don't stop at? Or would I need
> > to throw too many RCXs into my shopping cart to do this? Thanks again for your
> > replies.
> >
> > David
> --
> RCX Controlled LEGO Train Projects
> http://legochina.virtualave.net
Zhengrong ZANG's RCX Controlled LEGO Train Projects
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