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Re: Mindstorms Automatic Train Control Questions
lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.scout
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 03:01:47 GMT
171 times
One Addition for Scout, you can use a fiber cable to connect Scout and a micro-scout,
let that micro-scout to control a switch point, so you can get three output ports from
Then if you can put Scout on a special position with a external light source, you also
can use build-in light sensor to detect light. Now you got three input ports.


Zhengrong Zang wrote:

You can use Scout to control trains like using RCX, I had tested. The difference is
that Scout only can use passive light sensor, then they only have two input and
output ports, then you only can use NQC, not legOS. When you write NQC, you can use
__RCX, __SCOUT and __RCX=2 for different parts of your program.

If you use RCX/Scout to control tracks not trains, you don't need so many
RCX/Scout, separate your layout to blocks, then one block is connected to one
output port of RCX/Scout, this way is better than putting RCX/Scout on the train,
because you don't need to modify your train.

Good luck!


David Niemann wrote:

Hello all,
Thanks for your help. I am back with more questions. First, is it possible to
use scout computers like the one in this auction
to control trains instead of the RCXs? Is looks like they're a lot cheaper, but
are they not as good as the RCX? Also, I am wondering if I could make my subway
layout a little more complicated without needing a lot of extra RCXs and stuff.
My idea is to have two tracks at the end of the layout, and then have two more
tracks for the rest of the layout. In other words, the inner tracks will go all
the way down the layout, but the outer tracks will terminate about 3/4 of the
way down. I want to run two local trains on the outer tracks and two express
trains on the inner tracks. Would it be possible for me to have  my local
trains stop at stations that my express trains don't stop at? Or would I need
to throw too many RCXs into my shopping cart to do this? Thanks again for your


RCX Controlled LEGO Train Projects

Zhengrong ZANG's RCX Controlled LEGO Train Projects

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mindstorms Automatic Train Control Questions
You can use Scout to control trains like using RCX, I had tested. The difference is that Scout only can use passive light sensor, then they only have two input and output ports, then you only can use NQC, not legOS. When you write NQC, you can use (...) (23 years ago, 31-Oct-01, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics)

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