Re: Mindstorms Automatic Train Control Questions
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 09:43:46 GMT
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> In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > This is overkill. Just use the fact that you can align the switches AGAINST
> > the incoming subway train and when it reverses, it will cross over to the
> > other track with no need to actually operate the switches.
In lugnet.trains, David Niemann writes:
> Thanks for sharing this idea. I would have thought this would cause the train
> to derail. This will make it much easier for me to reverse my trains.
No, it doesn't. The middle rail of the point[switch] is lightly sprung so
that it can give way to a train coming the wrong way. The only derailment
risk is if a long train is half-way across the point when you change
direction. Then you get the front half of the train going down the siding,
and the back half down the straight. Though at speed, with heavy wagons,
this can make for a spectacular - if somewhat risky - automatic decoupler :-)
The only other thing to check is that with points set the wrong way, you
still get power everywhere you want it - but it looks like you've got a big
wiring job there anyway.
Jason J Railton
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