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Re: Rokenstorms - A Rokenbok/Mindstorms frankenstein monster
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 13:09:49 GMT
671 times
"Mario Ferrari" <> wrote in message
Can you give me an idea of how much is for a Rokenbok starter set?

The least expensive option is the Pump Station Starter Set.  It costs $99
and is available at most Toys R Us (also online).  It comes with the base RF
module for controlling all the vehicles, one controller, and one vehicle.
That's all you should need to get started.

Additional vehicles can get a bit pricey - usually in the $50 to $60 range.
Additional hand-held controllers that plug into the base station would be
needed if you want more than one person controlling vehicles. They list for
$30 each, but can usually be found on E-bay for less.

It's probably not the cheapest way to add radio control capabilities to
Mindstorms, but it works well if you want to have several people
controllling different robots and you want to guarantee there are no RF


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rokenstorms - A Rokenbok/Mindstorms frankenstein monster
(...) for (...) Cool! Can you give me an idea of how much is for a Rokenbok starter set? Thanks. Mario (23 years ago, 28-Sep-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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