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 Publishing / 879
  Re: web page in frames
(...) The main problem with this is the way Lynx deals with frames -- it shows you the "NOFRAMES" part, AND gives you links to the frames. So you end up with a (slightly kludgy) way to use the frames, right next to a message from the website telling (...) (26 years ago, 12-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
Matthew Miller: (...) I have never found this a problem for anybody but the apparently uneducated author of thoose pages. (...) I find this a larger problem (but it is mostly "solved" by keeping the NOFRAMES content to short insults ;-). (...) Then (...) (26 years ago, 12-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
(...) Why not? It could be done the same way http allows for autonegotiation of languages, image types, etc. (26 years ago, 12-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
Matthew Miller: (...) Because we would need a whole different specification and implementation. Frames are bad, because they destroy the addressing scheme of the Web. Play well, Jacob ---...--- -- E-mail: -- -- Web...: <URL:(URL) (...) (25 years ago, 13-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
(...) I can see this argument more than the others. It would have been nice for there to be a way to give a URL which specifies a frameset with given contents. Hmm. Maybe I'll implement that for my pages which use frames. (25 years ago, 14-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
(...) okay everyone, i've taken my page out of frames, sorry to bring it up. still though what do u think of my page? Alex "I HATE FRAMES! DIE FRAMES, DIE!!!...!!!" Roode (25 years ago, 14-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: web page in frames
Alex: (...) There is still something fishy if you enter the site through the "official" URL[1], where you have a single frame frameset, which does exactly what you don't want - destroys the addressing scheme. Why not keep the entry page[2] at that (...) (25 years ago, 14-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)

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