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Re: New Mavica-competitor from Panasonic on the way
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 05:45:43 GMT
522 times
Mike Stanley wrote:

Wheeee!  Always wanted Sony to get off its butt and do this, but I'll
take one from Panasonic at $899.

I wish Canon would make a digital version of their Rebel-X series cameras.  I'd
like to see it use EF lenses at a good price, USB support, and a good
resolution.  It seems like all it would involve is taking one of the consumer
digital cameras, adding the lens mount and electronics to drive the EF lenses,
and tada!  :-)

Reason:  My wife has a Rebel-X and lots of cool lenses (macro, 400mm, 1.5x
teleconverter, etc).  They may not be the best, but we can't beat them for the

Message is in Reply To:
  New Mavica-competitor from Panasonic on the way
(URL) Always wanted Sony to get off its butt and do this, but I'll take one from Panasonic at $899. Digital Camera (only 1.3 megapixels, but oh well) that uses the 120mb SuperDisk (and also can use floppies evidently). The only downside the article (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)

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