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Re: Can anyone give me some web site design advice?
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 05:04:08 GMT
1138 times
Being a software developer, I just HATE it when we have to make splash
screens and other pretty graphics work with those pesky 256 color palettes.
We always have to dumb down the graphics (sort of like town jr.).

Because I spend all my spare cash on LEGO I can't afford to upgrade my
486sx25 with a VGA 640 x 480 256 screen. I did have a SVGA screen
but that blew up and I was given the VGA screen.
I designed my web pictures to fit in a 600 x 480 screen :)

Allan J Smith
My LEGO creations site "Allanton NZ" is at

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Can anyone give me some web site design advice?
Thanks for all the advice Chris. I revamped my site with smaller pictures. Its MUCH better. Seriously though, why not come out of the dark ages and upgrade that 256 color video card? Being a software developer, I just HATE it when we have to make (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish)

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