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 Promotional / *721 (-20)
  Re: LEGO-bonus in Nederland
(...) Last I saw, Bionicle was scheduled to be released in August in North America. The Lego Mania magazine (or whatever it's called) did have a promotion selling one of them (the fire one I think) but the rest aren't available. (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to,,
  Re: LEGO-bonus in Nederland
Zal ik van de week eens voor je kijken Frank? Leiden is om de hoek... Welke Bionikneus is je favoriet? Duq "Frank Buiting" <> wrote in message (...) was (...) :-) (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to,,
  Honda ASIMO Robot
This is only semi-related, but Below is the weblink to the Honda Worldwide site that shows the robot. (URL) you check out the movies you can see it in action. Very cool. (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to
  Re: LEGO-bonus in Nederland
(...) I haven't seen any in Northern California (not that I'm actively looking!). Maggie C. (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to,,
  Re: LEGO-bonus in Nederland
(...) Graag gedaan! But I didn't see any signage or anything at the Bart Smit I was at, so I can't speak for the extent in time or products (or space!) that the free-cap deal covers. So, as with so much in this life, Your Mileage May Vary. best (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to,,
  Re: LEGO-bonus in Nederland
(...) Last weekend when I bought LEGO at the local Bart Smit (Eindhoven) there was no mention of a Bionicle promotion :-( Maybe the girl behind the counter didn't know about it. Next time I get to the store I'll check again. Anyway thanks for the (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to,,
  LEGO-bonus in Nederland
Hi all, Sorry for the crosspost (thus why I'm not braving this in Dutch), but I had a rather interesting experience today upon my return to Leiden from five weeks in London (yes, I got out before the anarchists could try to burn it down). I'd (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to,,
  Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) I've added these - sometime last week actually :) get adding :) JLB (24 years ago, 12-Apr-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database,
  Re: LEGO set on Delta Duty Free
Mark Herzberg <> wrote in message (...) It (...) I (...) That one has appeared on quite a few airlines since 1999. It's tragic that LEGO no longer make 'airline specials'. I think that was one of the (...) (24 years ago, 9-Apr-01, to
  LEGO set on Delta Duty Free
I was a little upset when I had to cancel my non-stop Alitalia flight from Miami to Milan in exchange for a Delta flight with a layover in New York City, but I was very happy when the duty free cart passed by with a LEGO. It was LEGO set 2774, (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to
  Some Kabaya Sets up for trade/sale.
Hello, I thought I'd post this here and see if anyone would be interested. I have a few MISB Kabaya sets left for trade or sale. Red Ninja Series (1) 3074-3077 Space Port (1) 3066-3069 Technics (2) 3000-3003 Adventures Dino Island (1) 1278-1281 (...) (24 years ago, 6-Apr-01, to
  Re: Sugar cookies with LEGO sets at Wal*Mart (was: Cookies ?)
Where was the "Price Chopper"? Matthias Jetleb VA3-MWJ (24 years ago, 2-Apr-01, to,
  lego bed sheets; pillow cases; curtains
I just got the above items in the mail aquired via E-bay, and they look truly awesome. I already had a matching pillow sham and a comforter. I have the complete set now!!! The color is baby blue and it looks so soft and gentle. I think the bed set (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to
  Re: Sugar cookies with LEGO sets at Wal*Mart (was: Cookies ?)
(...) Sounds neat! If I saw those I'd buy a few to make a little pyramid display and fill each with LEGO… But… I guess I've got a little bit too much time on my hands!!! ;) Sincerely, --==Richard==-- You can reach me @ (...) (24 years ago, 31-Mar-01, to,
  Re: Sugar cookies with LEGO sets at Wal*Mart (was: Cookies ?)
Hello, This is a reply to an ancient thread (1999). I went to the local "discount" food store (Price Chopper) and it looks like they are clearing out a stock of Danish sugar cookies that are packaged in a LEGO tin and have a promo set inside in a (...) (24 years ago, 31-Mar-01, to,
  Re: Oatmeal Promo Arrived today
Got mine about 4 weeks ago – sent off for the Promo as soon as it was out. Expiration is in August I think it said 8/31/01, or WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. I called the 800 number given on the boxes and checked if they had supplies lasting and they said (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to
  Re: Oatmeal Promo Arrived today
(...) The deadline is September. I don't remember seeing anything about "while supplies last", but I wouldn't put off ordering *too* long. Steve (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to
  Re: Oatmeal Promo Arrived today
It's nice to finally see some pictures of what I've been eating oatmeal for! BTW, when is the deadline for sending in the packets? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look in the cupboard. :-) Bryan Beckwith FUT: "Christopher Tracey" (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.general,
  Kellogg's Lego Software Promo - UK only
Hello, Don't know if this has been posted before or not. Kellogg's is giving away 200 Lego Software games. It is a random drawing open only to UK residents. You get your choice of Alpha Team, Stunt Rally, Racers, Creator: Knight's Kingdom, My World, (...) (24 years ago, 24-Mar-01, to,
  Re: New Shell promos... where?
Echoing Karls info, It would seem the Shell Stations got a lot of the "leftovers" from the European promo.There were small round sticker in each of the 2500 series that you could stick on a card to see if you got them all, Like a checkoff list. (...) (24 years ago, 20-Mar-01, to

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